Upcoming Events

Celebrate NaNoWriMo at Caramel Crisp Corner!

Meet Local Authors and a Developmental Editor

Thursday, November 16th at 5 pm

200 City Center, Oshkosh

It’s November, and if you are an aspiring novelist, you know what that means – NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)!  Each November, folks with a story to tell get to work putting 50,000 words on paper. The Bookstore staff at Caramel Crisp Corner are committed to helping local NaNoWriMo writers hone their craft and find an audience for their hard work. 

To that end, the Bookstore at Caramel Crisp is sponsoring a very special NaNoWriMo event on Thursday, November 16th at 5 pm. Local published authors Ursula Klein and Charlotte Greene, and developmental editor and author Julian Greystoke will be there to answer your questions about writing and publishing. 

The Caramel Crisp Cafe is a great place to work on your NaNoWriMo goals!  Stop in early on the 16th and find a cozy spot in the Cafe to do a little writing before the event starts. While you’re there, stop in at the Bookstore and pick up a pin-back NaNoWriMo Writers Button -- absolutely free! Buttons are available to writers anytime during November. Whether you're a Plotter or a Pantser, we've got the button for you!  

Caramel Crisp Corner is the place to be during NaNoWriMo – stop in today! 
